As a group, we first found it difficult to make a decision in what we wanted to do and how we would do it. We had spent the previous weeks mostly focusing on our experiences and didn't know yet if we were going to continue with that. Jah later joined our group and she came up with some ideas and we combined them and then proceeded with that. Every Teams talk she took notes and you can find them on the right.
We had divided the tasks and it was up to me to make the cards and posters and a few additional elements. I did some small research on Squid game which our game was based on, but also I did research on NS logo. Because I wanted to make a logo for that as well.
What does the logo of NS mean?
The best answer

Designed in 1968 by Gert Dumbar and René van Raalte, the NS logo stands for to and from (the ends, < >) and in between the track (the = in the middle). Before that time, the logo was a winged railroad wheel, which became more and more stylized over time.
All my inspiration I found on pinterest, we went for a propaganda idea. I did my best to make it happen, but mostly it was a lot of freestyling and trying.